Friday, 1 April 2016


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Ø Name:-  Kubavat  Kishan  B.

Ø Semester :- 4

Ø Roll no :- 11

Ø Enrolment No :- Pg14101021

Ø Year :- 2015-16

Ø Paper No :- 15

Ø Paper Name :- Mass Communication and Media Studies


Ø Email ID :-

Ø Submitted to :-   Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji BhavnagarUniversity  

v Introduction

  When a word JOURNALISM comes to a anyone very first difficulty arises that what is actually this term journalism means and what it actually generate in human mind. In simple word can say that Journalism means to provide news, to write reports and articles for newspapers, magazines and that kind of simple stuff but is a general definition in simple sense and words.

Journalism is also as one of the parts of mass communication and media studies. Because books, magazines, pamphlets and posters also need to be included in the label. Journalism as one part of mass communication and media studies. Journalism is the practice of investigation and reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience in a timely fashion. Journalism also covers cultural aspects of society such as arts and entertainment. The field includes editing, photojournalism and documentary.

v Development of Journalism

Ø  Words ‘Journal’ , ‘Journalism’, Journalist’ have their origin in the French word ‘journal’ meaning a book and it has its origin in turn in the Roman word ‘ diurnalis’ meaning daily.

Ø  Around 130 B.C. in Rome there grew a practice of putting up two handwritten bulletins in the main public square. These bulletins were known as ‘Acta Diurna’. This was probably the first newspaper, dealing with events rather than views.

Ø  Origin of modern western style journalism may be traced back to the occasional news books of 17th century England which offered short summaries of events which had no headlines and large type letters were used.

Ø  From 1720 onwards news and views were kept separate. Industrial Revolution brought in so many profitable advertisements that news gradually began to be pushed into the inside pages. Views were expressed more widely in pamphlets as ‘essays’ like those of Addision and Steele in ‘The Spectator’.

v Definitions of Journalism

Let us first see, how some Dictionaries define JOURNALISM in words.

As per Merriam Webster Dictionary:

·         The activity or job of collecting, writing, and editing news stories for
Newspapers, magazines, television, or radio.

·         The collection and editing of news for presentation through the media.

·         The public press.

·         An academic study concerned with the collection and editing of news
or the management of a news medium.
·         Writing designed for publication in a newspaper or magazine.

·         Writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation.

·         Writing designed to appeal to current popular taste or public interest.

As per Oxford Dictionary:

The activity or profession of writing for newspapers or magazines or of broadcasting news on radio or television.

So after analyzing these much definitions we can come to first that point that Media and Journalism is merely same things now days. These both words can use as synonyms. The media that journalism uses vary diversely and include: content published via newspapers and magazines (print), television and radio (broadcast), and their digital media versions — news websites and applications. It generally gives information about our society, surrounding and all other things which are going around us in positive or negative manner.

            Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating and presenting news and
information. It is also the product of these activities.

People who write journalism are called Journalists. They might work at newspapers, magazines, and website or for TV or radio stations.

v Role of Journalism

As modern journalism was just taking form, writer Walter Lippmann and American philosopher john Dewey debated over the role of journalism in a democracy in the 1920s and their differing philosophies still characterize a debate about the role of journalism in society and the nation –state.

v Freedom of press

As far as freedom of press is concerned it should include the freedom to express their ideas and feelings through press so it is very much important to give freedom of speech to them. it also affects to the society. Because if the freedom is given then and then information can be acquired otherwise it becomes very hard to get information through media.

Ø  Motivating Power of the society
Ø  Emphasising education
Ø  Opinion Builder
Ø  Generate debate
Ø  Act as people's mouth piece
Ø  The press occupation is pivotal a position in the life of a nation and its people.
Ø  Eradication of social evils
Ø  Guardian of the rights and liberty of people

   With freedom of press we cannot overlook the security of the individual being forgone, chaos in public life and disruption of harmony among many social groups. If any news report causes the aforementioned factors, the press should not allow it. Anything that disturbs security and integrity of the nation, communal harmony, international relationship, chaos in public life or interference in private life or matters in relation to the contempt of the court is considered offense and legal action are provided.

Therefore there are media laws which curtail press freedom. Anything that disturbs security and integrity of the nation, communal harmony, and international relationship, decency in public life or interference in private life or matters in relation to contempt of court is considered as offense and legal actions are provided.

v  Role of Press in Journalism

The Press Council of India is a statutory body in India that governs the conduct of the print media. It is one of the most important bodies that sustain democracy as it has supreme power in regard to the media to ensure that freedom of speech is maintained. However it is also empowered to hold hearings on receipt of complaints and take suitable actions where appropriate. It may either warn or censure the errant journalist on finding them guilty.

This council is a statutory body consisting of 28 members representing owner of the newspaper, news agencies, journalist, educationalists, and legal experts on various subjects.

The Press Council is a statutory, quasi-judicial body which acts as a watchdog of the press. It adjudicates the complaints against and by the press for violation of ethics and for violation of the freedom of the press respectively.

v Journalism and the press

A reliable news service is vital for Dutch society. But political, economic and technological developments pose risks for the reliability and independence of the news. Government policy is therefore aimed at supporting and protecting a free and diverse press. The government has no say in the form and content of newspapers, magazines and other products that roll off the printing press. The press has traditionally been a private arena. There are no public newspapers.

Policy on journalism and the press consists of three parts:

Ø  The government sets limited rules regarding journalism and the press. Rules on media concentration, for example, prevent a publisher‛s controlling too much of the market.

Ø  The government provides financial support to the press through the independent Press Promotion Fund.

Ø  The government encourages self-regulation by the press of journalistic practices.

v  Function of Journalism

The main function of journalism is to carry different kinds of advertisements that help it to be financially viable and politically independent. It‛s other function include reporting local, national and international news and offering interpretation and opinions into a business venture, the fundamental function remains to sell readers to advertisers. Besides it aims at educating and entertaining its readers so that they can participate fully in the affairs of the state and in the cultural affairs as well.

v Types of journalism:

Journalism helps to explain the events that impact our lives and is developed in a number of forms and styles uses different techniques and writes for different purposes and audiences. So Journalism can be categorized into several types as enlisted below.

Now let’s elucidate these types in detail.

Ø  Advocacy Journalism    :

Advocacy journalism deals with writing to advocate particular viewpoints or influence the opinions of the audience. It also describes the use of journalism techniques to promote a specific political or social cause. Under this branch, journalists are openly biased towards a particular entity while reporting events or happenings. The information they convey is mostly one sided and tends to defend the specific entity. Most advocacy journalists believe that in their profession, one is very likely to become partial. As a constant follower of any story, it is difficult to stay detached. You eventually will develop an opinion! So instead of trying to be indifferent, one might as well report from his point of view.

Ø  Broadcast Journalism :

Journalism which is the field of news and journals which are broadcast or in other words we can say that it is published by electrical methods, instead of the older methods such as printed newspapers and posters. Radio and television broadcasts are designed to get the news out to a wide variety of people in language that is much less formal than traditional print media.

Ø  Investigative journalism:

Investigative journalism can be defined a type of journalism that tries to discover information of public interest that someone is trying to hide. it also includes serious crimes, political corruption or corporate wrongdoing. an investigative journalist may spend months or years researching and preparing a report.

Ø  Tabloid Journalism:

It is very much important type of journalism. Tabloid journalism is a newspaper of small format giving the news is condensed form, usually with illustrated often sensational material. so it puts more stress on crime stories, astrology, gossip columns about the personal lives of celebrities and sports stars and junk food news. And it is this sense of the word that led to some entertainment news programs to be called tabloid television.

Ø  Yellow Journalism:

It is one of the most significant types of journalism which highlights little or no legitimate well researched news and instead uses eyecatching headlines to sell more newspapers. Yellow journalism is also known as sensationalism and it is writing which emphasizes exaggerated claims or rumours.

Moreover, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion and Campbell (2001) defines yellow press newspapers as having daily multicolumn front page headlines covering a variety of topics, such as sports and scandal, using boldlayouts, heavy reliance or unnamed sources, and unabashed self promotions. And the term was extensively used to describe certain major New York City newspapers about 1900 as they battled for circulation.

v The Impact of Journalism in classroom

v A Short History of Newspapers and Magazines

The emergence of the new media branch in the 17th century has to be seen in close connection with the spread of the printing press from which the publishing press derives its name. The first newspaper in England was printed in 1641.however; the word newspaper was not recorded until 1670.the first successful daily newspaper was printed in Britain in 1702.The book is the oldest medium while credit for the oldest mass medium goes to the newspaper and magazine and newspapers were the first to reach a mass audience and becoming a medium of democracy.

The first newspaper in France was published in1631 called La Gazette (originally published as Gazette de France).

La Gazette
Gazeta da Restauracao
Gazeta de Madrid

William Bolts established a printing press in Calcutta.

The first newspaper in India was published by James Hicky in 1780 called Bengal Gazette/GeneralCalcutta Adviser. The size of that fourpagenewspaper was 12"x8".Hickey too was against the Company Government and publishedinternal news of the employees of the Company.In November 1781, India Gazette was also introduced; AsHickey was against the company government it affected a lot to him.

Madras Courier 1782
Bombay Herald
Bombay Courir
East India passed regulations
Bengal Gazette
Gagging Act of 1847
Vernacular Press Act

Some popular and the world’s first magazines

Ø  1731 The first modern general interest magazine, The Gentleman's Magazine, is published in England as entertainment with essays, stories,poems and political commentary.

Ø  1739 The Scots Magazine begins and today remains the oldest consumer magazine in print.

Ø  1741 Benjamin Franklin intends to publish America's first magazine,General Magazine, but is scooped when American Magazine comes out three days earlier.

Ø  1770 The first women's magazine, The Lady's Magazine,starts withliterary and fashion content plus embroidery patterns.

Ø  1843 The Economist begins examining news, politics, business, science and the arts. 1857 The Atlantic magazine arrives.

v Press council of India:

It is a statutory body consisting of 28 members representing owners of the newspapers, news agencies, journalists, educationalists, legal experts and expats on various subjects.

Ø Functions:

Ø  This body has the power to warn and stop and censor any editor’s or

Ø  Journalist’s work who flouts the standard of journalistic ethics and public texts.

Ø Aims:

•PCI has been established to preserve and improve freedom of press on one hand and on the other hand to maintain and improve the standard of newspaper and new agencies. The PCI takes care of the press codes and press ethics in the following manner:

• Freedom on information

• Freedom of access to information sources

• Objectivity, truthfulness and interpretation of facts

• Responsibility to public and it’s rights, interest and in relation to national, racial and religious communities of the nation, the state and to maintain peace.

It preserves the freedom of press and standards of print media. Its main objectives are given below. Objective presentation on facts and events.

         Free access to information
         Right of information

v  Indian News Agency

In Journalism, it is very much significant about news agencies, whose single aim was to enrich the newspapers with a wide variety of news events happening around the world. Earlier the agencies were meant to provide the news items only to the newspapers but with the passing of time, rapidly developing modern mediums such as radio, television internet to adapt the services of news agencies.

K C Roy, anIndian journalist during the early years of this century set up the first Indian news agency called The Press News Bureau (PNB).on the other hand Nationalist News agency was set up in 1930s by S Sadanand known as FPI (Free Press of India).

Works Cited

(1)   Wikipedia contributors. "Journalism." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 17 Mar. 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.

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