Thursday 29 October 2015

Importance of English as an International language and Objectives of teaching English as a Second language in Gujarat

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Name :- Kubavat Kishan B

Semester :- 3

Roll no :- 11

 Enrolment No :- Pg14101021

Year :- 2015-16

Paper No :- 12

Paper Name :- A English Language Teching-1

Topic :-   Importance of English as an International language and Objectives of teaching English as a Second language in Gujarat

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Submitted to :-  Department of English
                Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University  

Importance of English as an international language


English gained its popularity in India with the coming of British. They rulled India for nearly two centuries. During this period they gradually introduced English and Western education to create a class of Indians who could serve the imperial ruler as an officials and link between them and masses.

In 1947 when India became free, some of our leaders were not in fever of introducing English in our curriculum. But actually speaking it was the English language that helped us as a great unifying force in our struggle for freedom. Many of our leaders inspired from the righting of the great thinkers like Ruskin, Canlyle, Lincoln and other who wrote in English language for growth, development and advancement of India, Pandit Nehru and Dr. Radhakrishnan were not in fever of abolishing it completely.

Lets , discuss all the point in detail.
English is rapidly becoming  a world language

It is the first language of United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and Australia. In addition it is spoken and read by many million of Europeans Africans, Chinese, Indians, Japanese and south Americans as a second language. It is widely known in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Burma and Shri Lanka and almost every country of the world.

   Medium of communication

Everything of importance which happens day by day is printed in English in news paper and spoken in English over the radio and television all over the world.

 50% of world’s newspapers over  50% of the world’s scientific and technical periodicals and magazines and more than 60% of world’s radio and television use English as a medium.

         A Link Language

It is a link language as it is used to link the different states and also the people of the same region speaking different dialects. It is the means of international communication. English is international in the sense that it helps in interlinking the people living in the different countries of the world and establishing international relations. It is interesting to note that about one half of mankind chase English to communicate with those who do not speak their own language.

         A language of trade and commerce

English dominates the field of trade industries and commerce all over the world. Because most of the work in this field carried on in English .Traders and merchants use English for the purpose of correspondence. Maintenance of accounts and audit is done in English. It is only the English language through which we can communicate our opinion in the affairs of the world. English is our major trade link which the outside world.
         A medium of acquiring Knowledge

English is the medium of acquiring knowledge art, science, humanities, technology etc. The latest Knowledge in any field can be got in English. It is the language which rich in knowledge. Actually speaking English is the key to the store house of knowledge.

The significance of English as a international language can be drawn from what F.G. French has remarked regarding English language.

According to him,

No language, ancient or modern can be compared with English as the number of geographical distributions of the homes, factories and offices in which this language is spoken, read or written.”

                                                                                    I.            Importance of English as Library Language

As an important library language English plays a vital role in Education. English is the key to the store house of knowledge. It is the medium of acquiring latest knowledge of modern art, science, humanities, technology or any field.

English is the only language which maximum knowledge can be imparted to the students. It is in this context that the rule of English as an library language becomes important in India.

Here it is worth to quote Lord Macaulay’s comments that__

a single shelf of good European literature was worth the whole literature of India and Arabia.”

  An important library language plays a vital role in higher education.

Pandit Nehru say,

“English is our major window on the modern world.”

While Dr.Radhakrishnan said,

“English is the living stream of ever growing Knowledge.”

To keep abreast with latest knowledge in various fields English is a must. Thus the importance of English language cannot be denied by anyone at any level or place. In this regard Kothari commission stated,

No student be considered to have qualified for a degree unless he has acquired a reasonable proficiency in English (or in some of the library language.)”

                                       II.            Objectives of teaching English as a second language in Gujarat


          In heterogeneous society like our the need for learning English differs from one person to another. As English is a second language, it’s very difficult task for a teacher to teach it. To teach it teacher has to______

Ø Understand the nature of language
Ø Keep in mind psychological principles of language learning.
Ø Be aware of aims and objectives.
Then and then only teaching of English become more effective and systematic.

v Objectives

The term aims and objectives are used interchangeably. However both have different meanings. The main difference being aim provide general direction to educational purpose whereas objectives indicate particular achievement to be made in specific time limit.

There are two types of objectives

(1) General Objectives

(2) Specific Objectives

1.    General Objectives
       The General Objectives are long term aims in comparison to the Specific Objectives. The general objectives are at they par with the aims of education. Therefore they are meant to be 1 during the schooling period of the pupils. As English begins from class I and continues to be studied up to XIIth class, these general objectives are to be w spread from I to XII class of school period. These general objectives are decided in advance. They are distinct for each subject and standard. They state what to achieve at the end of the year or course.

v Meaning :-

“ General Objectives are the statement indicating general achievement regarding knowledge comprehension, application  and skill etc. there can be many specific objectives for one general objective”

The relationship of aim general objectives & specific objectives

         Semantic aspect

It relates to understand meaning; meaning of words & their relationship with other words used in a sentence.

         Phonetic aspect

It deals with the speech sounds, spelling and pronunciation of words.

         Graphic aspect

It deals with the written from of a language. It deals with representation of language and script.

         Phonic Cum Graphic aspect

It deals with reading aspects of language. All these aspects of language work in coordination with each other. None of them can work in isolation.

          Based on above analysis of language learning the following objectives are specified for teaching and learning English language. Teachers and students engaged in their purposeful activity must attain these general objectives. Above four aspects indicate four objectives of English teaching for language development at junior level & literary development at senior level.
2. Specific Objective

Besides the above stated general objectives of teaching English the teaching English the teacher should have definite clear-cut aims for each lesson in his mind. They are called the specific objectives.

In other words these are objectives of teaching the content of lesson so indicate particular achievement to be made within specific time limit. They are short term goals and can be archived in the class room. It helps him to know what he is to do of a particular lesson why & how.

v Meaning :-

“An objectives is an intent communicated by a statement describing a proposed change in a learner is to be like when he has successfully completed a learning experience. It is a description of pattern of behavior. We want the leaner to be able to demon stare”

v Characteristics of good Objectives

They should be_______

ü Clear, specific, precise and to the point
ü Attainable
ü In the term of change expected in pupil.
ü Useful
ü According to the need of child.
ü Flexible in ordinary circumstances
ü Based on the psychological principles.

Thus, specific objectives are clear, specific, brief and identifiable in behavioral terms, specific objectives are always terms with reference to behavior because the learning is always modified the behavior of learners and statement that states such behavior known as specific objectives.

§  B. S. Bloom’s Taxonomy

The teaching objectives are related are to learning outcome or change of behavior of learner, B.S.Bloom classified the learning objectives in these categories.
         Cognitive objectives
         Affective objectives
         Psycho-motor objectives

Thus, change of behavior is also of there types Bloom & his associates in university of Chicago have produced a most important classification or taxonomy of these learning objectives. The taxonomy arrange objectives in six categories. A useful way of looking at the domain is. In the cognitive domain, the teacher is interested in what will the students do, whereas in affective domain the teacher is additionally concern with what does he do to it or with it and psycho-motor  domain concern with how does he do it.

Ø Conclusion

Here we can discuss the how importance of English language now a day. Also the talk about the English is a library language. And in Gujarat how teaching English language and objectives of teaching as second language and we can say the now English is more important language of communication with world.

English is a great help to open a window to the world. So we cannot deny its importance. 

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  1. Good choice of words and well prepared assignment.

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